Sanitation While On The Road

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Keeping up with sanitation is the number one priority for everyone right now. Truckers across the country are doing their part to provide stores with adequate supplies. They act as the main route for everyone to be able to keep their families safe and secure.

With everything going on, we must do our part to remain clean and to contain the spread of the virus. With truckers moving across the country continuously providing supplies, there is a (relatively small chance) that the virus can be contracted. In order to be safe and continue the valued efforts of everyone in America, we have a shortlist of sanitation tips for your travels.

Sanitation Step #1 Wash Your Hands

We know this is a very common and basic tip, but we cannot stress it enough! Washing your hands is the number 1 defense against the spread of germs and viruses. We understand that truckstop bathrooms aren’t the most hygienic, so keeping with customary standards, washing your hands before and after you go to the bathroom is a plus. Keeping sanitation wipes on hand will also help when using the toilet and even leaving the restroom. The most touched area of a restroom is the door handle, so keeping a bottle of sanitizer will also help in case there are no available wet wipes.

Sanitation Tip #2: Keep Plenty Of Food In Your Cab

From experienced truckers to green drivers, many will have the same thing to say about food: Stock up. having extra rations in your truck is beneficial in case of any type of emergency. With bars, restaurants, and diners now closing up, many truck drivers are left bringing their own food. Following the essential food, groups are all too real today. Making sure you have a well-balanced meal consisting of the primary foods will help get you from point a to point be- not only faster- but will keep you from getting into contact with others. Keeping a steady food system will help ensure not only that you are fed, but that you are healthy.

Tip #3: Avoid Leaving Your Cab

We understand that most truck drivers are under the finger of technology. Many have had a problem with being monitored for driving over 8 hours a day. Many are either under the gun on time as it is, so staying in the cab and continuing the drive is a pretty solid method of keeping out of harm’s way. Whenever you leave the truck, simply follow back to step 1 and you should be fine.

One of the benefits for truckers is the lack of populated areas when on the road. Typically it’s just the driver, the truck and the open road. Truckers themselves are one of the more isolated career paths. It’s not called the “lonely road” for nothin’.

We Want To Thank Truckers For Doing Their Part

Every day, truckers are away from family and friends. In order to do their job, they brave the roads. Back and forth, truck drivers deliver goods to suppliers in order to keep the country going. With the issues currently facing the US, truck drivers have heard the call and have stepped up. Many have families waiting for them to return, truck drivers have to hold strings in their own lives while still providing to the public. To them, we say thank you.

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